- İÇİNDEKİLER : 1. resim the letter vâvcomposed in Müsenna (mirror-image) forming the main body of an ewer, painted on a wooden panel. 18-19th centuries.-- 2. resim calligraphic composition in Sülüs script in the shape of a bird, painted in gold and watercolor on a woodwn panel. 18th century.-- 3. resim calligraphic composition .n the shape of a gallery inscribed with Sülüs script, in sous-verre tevhnique. 19th century.-- 4.resim calligraphic composition in the shape of a mosque in Kıfic script, painted on a wooden panel. 18th century.-- 5. resim Talismanic human figure in Sülüs script, painted in gouache on paper. 18-19th centuries.-- 6. resim Talimanic composition of calligraphy belonging to the Bektashi sect inscribed on a wooden panel. 18th century.-- 7. resim Müsenna (mirror-image writing) in the shape of two lions inscribed in Sülüs script, outlined in gold on paper. 18-18th centuries.-- 8. resim the lion the Caliph Ali, partially composed of a calligraphic composition in Sülüs script, in watwrcolor and gold on paper 18th century. - Resimler A4 boyutundadır.
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